Death is a unique and intangible force that all human beings experience at one time or another in their lives. It is often described as a mysterious and unknown event, which is one of the most inevitable realities of human life. Death is a temporal, temporary, and inevitable process that takes every living being to its ultimate limit.
The definition of death holds that it is a physical process that becomes the cause of the end of a living being's life. The time limit of a human life is called death when their physical judicial capacity ends. Death is the state of a person's physical, spiritual, and mental inner self.
The natural and circumstantial nature of death can vary in changing perspectives of time and place, although its existence remains a constant and inseparable part of everyone's life. There are different perspectives on death in various cultures, religions, and philosophical traditions.
Death is also seen as the final process of a living being's life, in which their physical strength and biological capabilities gradually diminish and ultimately their life comes to an end. During this process of death, there are often physical and mental changes that occur, which are caused by various physical and material factors.
From a religious and spiritual perspective, death is also considered as the next stage or form of the soul. Many religious traditions believe that the soul progresses towards eternal life even after death and takes rebirth in other forms.
The diversity of death can be seen and understood in various artistic and literary works.